Thursday, June 13, 2013

6 months later, 61st post

I wrote 60 times while in Spain/about my Spanish adventures. Which actually doesn't seem like all that many journal entries for a 5-month span of time in a place where there was something new and exciting pretty much every single day. But I'll write it off to the fact that all of my posts were like mini novels, recounting events over 10-day trips and packed full of the little details. But now here I am, back in Chapel Hill again. Except it doesn't feel like I thought it might (and feared it would be). It's not like I'm back in this little campus where all I do is run from obligation to obligation and around every corner I run in to someone I know and I feel mostly bored with my day-to-day schedule. Granted, it's summer so there's no school, but I'm feeling so great about this upcoming year. I came home with a plan to make goals, and I've a lot, and I've set some in motion already. So now that I'm here in Chapel Hill I'm focused on my goals, I'm excited about my new house, and I'm ready to take on what this "real world" has got in store for me, one day at a time. 

So, what are these goals?

1. Plant an herb garden- somehow, somewhere. Basil, parsley, mint, chives, thyme? Currently taking suggestions for it.

2. Get a bike (to ride more and more, slowly phasing out where I need to drive my car to)
I had no idea where to begin with getting the "right" bike. All I knew is that I loved the Sevicis and I didn't want to become unused to biking everywhere, so I'm keeping up with the habit before I have the chance to lost it. I had Rachael's dad (a bike guru) help me big-time and settled on this Trek. He says it was a steal so I'll take his word for it!

3. Look for jobs for summer/into the school year

4. Organize my part of the house
On Tuesday I packed my car and drove myself to Chapel Hill, moved in by myself while my Laura and Caroline were at work (as in moved my giant suitcases, bins and tubs, metal and wood desk, chairs, bedding- everything- up the narrow and steep stairs SOLO!). When Kelly got in on Wednesday, I repeated the whole process with her. We also disassembled an entire wardrobe, carried the pieces upstairs, and re-nailed it back together, assembled a kitchen table, brought in the rest of our furniture (and she's got a lot) and hung shutters on the walls all day long

5. Get serious about plans for yoga in my future- explore teaching certification options

6. Strive to be happy every single day.

I had yet to drink from the Old Well since I've been at Carolina- it just never crossed my mind to do it- but as I was taking a walk with Emily (who I was so happy to see after our separation of all of three weeks) through the quad, eating oreo YoPo, I felt like it might be just the right time to do it. They say you'll have good luck with your classes if you drink from it on the first day of the school year (or something like that) but I think it'll bring good luck to me in this transition time back into real life. And this really is becoming real life, real fast; I bought my first actual bunch of groceries today. Look who's doing big things... more to come on that. I'm leaving the library now because it's summer and even though we don't have internet in our house, I just can't be in a library for longer than an hour. 

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