Friday, October 11, 2013

3 months into Senior Year, what am I doing?!?

No seriously. What am I doing?? I'm currently procrastinating studying for a computer programming midterm exam, and while I've been pretty successful at that this morning, I haven't felt like much of as success when it comes to making plans and being a go-getter for my plans post-graduation. Remember that goals thing I did in July and...uh...never followed up on? Well I did complete all of my July goals (just as a brief recap), but now that I'm into senior year I want to set up some new goals to help ground me in what I want/need to do. Things to keep me focused on for what's left in the semester ahead.

#1: jump back in to the blogging world. Just do it. It's intimidating because there are so many interesting blogs already out there, so what's going to make mine anything special to read? Don't know, but I believe it will be, so I'm going to make it happen. But it never will if I keep putting it off day after day. So hah! I've already completed goal #1, because this is me, jumping back in.

#2: practice teaching yoga as much as I can. I'm currently in teacher training and I need all the practice I can get, and I need to be more aggressive about finding ways to get that practice in.

#3: stop getting anxious when thinking about "the future," and all the things ahead of me I need to do to prepare. They seem like mountains, but that's because I just keep sitting at the base of it, looking up. I need to start the hike, and little by little I'll make my way up and over the hill. That means: reach out to potential employers. Create online portfolios. Reach out to contacts for recommendations. Explore internships for the spring semester. Stay current with news every day (I'm so guilty of not reading the news, and I'm a journalism major, so that's pretty bad). Be open to a plan that I might not be aware of as of now...things may unfold before my eyes without me realizing it and I want to be accepting of any and all of it.

#4: enjoy the day, rather than looking at my agenda and seeing every meeting I have to attend, every obligation that's in my day. Just accept those things as they are, and stop trying to get to the end of the day as fast as possible.

Before I get too far in over my head, I'll stop with those 4. They're pretty lofty. But I'm determined to make it happen. I hope this blog will turn out to be my outlet for unloading the pressures of the day, aspirations for tomorrow, and a link for anyone who might be in the same boat as me.

P.S. The only paper I've written since being back in school I got a failing grade because I wrote too "personally"... wonder where that came from (*cough*cough* 60+ personal blog posts for half a year as my only form of written work)