Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Adios, amigos

It was my last day. And it was a great one. A bit hectic at the end there, dealing with luggage struggles (and who knows how it will all actually go down once I get to the airport and they weigh the bags), but overall, it was the perfect close out to a perfect 5 months. Took my exam- piece of cake. Went shopping with Emily to spend a few extra euros- bought a great dress, can't wait to wear it on the beach. Had my favorite lunch- the spinach casserole. Sat on the river with friends- lost track of time and didn't care one bit, there wasn't a cloud in the sky and it is finally, finally, hot again (thank you very much, right as I least I got this one day). Had fresh strawberry mojitos by the river- watched him make it and now have the key to the secret recipe, and I can't wait to try it myself. Bought the last little gifts for people here and there, and my time strolling home for dinner. I feel so content, and I feel so ready to be home. I love you, Sevilla, but I love lots of things, and I'm ready to get back to them.

Some things that I will miss, though:
+The way Cristina answers me saying "Qué hija?" in such a caring way whenever I call her name from near or far away
+The orange, the violet, and the palm trees; actually all the vegetation. It's tropical and I feel like I'm living in a dream land every morning when I walk to school (even though the violet ones cry? We never learned why we get sprinkled with water, as if its raining, every time you walk near them)
+Ordering casual drinks 
+Cheap fruit, and lots of it
+Llao Llao and the man at Nervion Plaza who always gave me mounds of each topping- everywhere else I went seemed to gyp me but he never let me down
+Having 2 hours to set aside for each meal, it used to be a pain to sit down for that long, but I've gotten used to it and I love that time after eating when we sit and chat about everything and nothing
+better flavored Doritos
+better chocolate/double stuffed Principe cookies
+the feeling that the city is so alive all the time, big enough for anything to happen and small enough that you're sure to run in to someone you know if you're out and about
+Sevici-ing around; I'm making it a goal to start riding my bike most places at home now, even though it won't be nearly as easy
+people calling the "chino" stores "el Chino" and it not being an offensive statement (I guess what I'll miss is how open Spaniards are, and how direct their sense of humor is)
+dancing in the kitchen with Cristina and making her say English words (her latest is "hiccup" and for the life of her, she can't say anything but "hippo")

Actually this list could go on and on. I'm sure I'll remember so many little things that give me a little pang of sadness for the next few months, but it won't hit me until I'm home. The truth is I don't know what I'll miss most. I hope I can remember everything as vividly as I do right now, and I know this blog will help me do that, but I just can't imagine forgetting the little things that have come to mean so much to me. Or the things that have come to be such a big part of my day. But that's always the way it is. You do something every day, its part of your daily routine, a natural habit your body is used to, and then when you stop doing it, you forget all about what it was like when you did. I guess there's not really a way to avoid it. But if I can just tell myself to remember one thing about this whole experience, I'd like to tell myself to (well okay, it can't just be one thing) A. stop and smell the roses, it is absolutely necessary and in fact imperative to maintaining your sanity, B. trust yourself and go with your gut, and C. be patient, have patience for others, have patience for yourself, and be good to yourself. You deserve it. 

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