Tuesday, January 29, 2013

A little calm before a busy day ahead

...well I don't actually have a busy day ahead, at least in comparison to a busy day in Chapel Hill. But my 9:15 language class with Angeles- its one of those where you literrrralllllly look at your watch thinking class must be over and its only been 4 minutes- was cancelled this morning. I still have 10:45 culture class with Fernando, but at least I have this little bit of morning to myself. I love sitting at the kitchen table to blog versus on my bed. My room is really the only place to "hang out" in when I'm home- the living room and kitchen are sort of Cristina's domain- so whenever I'm at the house, whether I'm sleeping/reading/lounging/trying to navigate around the international blocks to Netflix/Hulu etc. in order to watch my shows/doing homework/really, you name it...I'm in bed. We have a desk but it's taken up by the space heater, and I don't dare move that. Anyway, Cristina sleeps in in the mornings so if I sit at the table in the kitchen, I can sit peacefully, eat my breakfast, and drink my hot tea. 

Today I did a makeshift version of yogurt/banana/granola that I like to have at home: yogurt [it is NOT the same here], pear slices, and this cereal...which I hate

But I had to get a good breakfast in since I went to the gym this morning and did Insanity, and maybe it was because it was 7 am and no one was really awake yet, but I didn't get kicked out. I sat in the sauna and stretched for a while after and showered there- also nice not to have to worry about taking too long of a shower if I'm not using Cristina's water. And now I have time to sit and blog before class! Today's going to be a good day. 

Speaking of the gym, other things I've noticed that just strike me as funny since I work at the gym and am there all the time at home, and here customs are just so different: 
  • there are more guys than girls in group fitness classes, and I've never seen a girl instructor
  • girls don't wear shorts ever, but guys do (short ones, too) and capris (?)
  • the gym is a social setting...people stand on treadmills and chat rather than utilizing the function that they are meant for (exercising)
  • people don't sweat that much, and since I do I get a lot of funny looks
  • in the locker room, women get cute before working out (i.e., checking their make up in the mirror, doing hair)
  • even though there will be a class listed on the Horario de Clases (group fitness class schedule), it is really up in the air as to whether or not that class is actually going to take place. Twice I've tried to go to one and there was no such class to take. Still don't get it
  • the classes that do happen play all American music, and the instructors don't know any of the words (I remember one barbells class I took where an instructor played "Welcome to the Jungle" and would just sing "la la la la la la" over top of the music)
Enough of that. Last night I went on a walk with Cristina and MC around the neighborhood. MC asked if we could meet any of her neighbor friends, kind of as a joke, but then she decided to take us to see Marisol, one of her best friends (we think, she talks about her a lot anyway) who happens to be a host mom for another guy on our program. We went up to her apartment building, and Cristina proceeded to buzz every apartment on the 3rd floor since she didn't know her exact apartment number. After the 4th or 5th buzz Marisol answered and we awkwardly asked to say hey. She went to her 3rd floor window and we talked from the street...it was so interesting to me that even though they were great friends, it would not be appropriate for us to come into her house to visit. The house is pretty much entirely reserved for family; hanging out with friends would only occur in public. We asked to say hey to Matt, and the two decided to come meet us in the street. 

Snapped a shot of our late-night hang out: Cristina and MC, Matt and Marisol

One thing I'm learning quickly is that there is always a story worth telling whenever I do something even as minuscule as taking a walk around the block with MC. I love that about her! She's spontaneous and outgoing to anyone we meet, and I think that is such a great quality to have. So thankful for her! 

Random blog post, I know, but as I'm thinking of how thankful I am for such an awesome roommate, I'm just thinking back on some highlights of the weekend other than Córdoba.

1. Peanut butter: MC's friend gave her a Jif To Go pack that she brought with her from the US as an early birthday present. She shared with me (and I don't know if I would've done the same haha) and I made a half peanut butter and jelly sandwich for breakfast. HEAVEN. PB&J/B/H....I miss you.

2. Adventure runs, and a city that provides surprises around every corner. On Sunday we ran through el centro and took a turn that led us to Las Setas, large mushroom-like architecture that goes all the way across the street below. You can even climb on top of it...on my list of to-do's for sure. It's gigantic- couldn't capture it all at once.  Also took a different route home only had stopped for directions ONCE. We're making strides.

3. Mexican food. They share language (sort of), but they don't share the same cuisine. These chips and guac were perfection. See you soon, Tex Mex. 

4. An all-in-all hilarious house mom, Cristina. Wish I had the videos to prove it, but she came in to our room dancing the other day asking us to play "Hips Don't Lie" by Shakira. When we did she got SO into it. If I ever figure out how to get the video off my phone, I'll be sure to share. And she would love knowing I did...I think when she sees herself on camera its like she's been bumped up to celebrity status. 

So that was my weekend in a nutshell. Today I have class, a hat and perhaps some more warm clothing to shop for, lunch, a siesta, class at 6, perhaps some coffee and tapas, dinner, and who knows what's up after that. Ah the struggles of a semester abroad... LIFE IS GOOD.

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