Friday, February 1, 2013

Couscous versus glass shards...

This week I decided that when Cristina served a really delicious meal, I wanted to ask her for the recipe. My reasons being: 1. nice dinner conversation topic and she's super proud of it and loves it when I ask her things she is very informed on (aka the kitchen). 2. hopefully this will reinforce the things I really do enjoy eating so the less-appetizing meals will eventually fall to the wayside... and 3. usually she cooks with 2 or 3 main ingredients and the dishes seem fairly simple- maybe I can use some tips for cooking on my own next year (Pritchard house woop wooooooop).

The first recipe I added to my makeshift composition/recipe book. Couscous with mushrooms and zucchini (or any vegetable of choice)

As Cristina describes it, it's an Arabian dish...she proceeded to dress up and dance around in the spirit?

Well anyway it was delicious, but the next day my meal experience was pretty much a 180 flip. Espinacas con garbanzo... its great every time I've had it as an order of tapas in a restaurant but when Cristina made it it just wasn't my cup of tea. Oh and the 2 inch long glass shard I bit into in the middle of the spinach didn't help out much. I absolutely freaked out when something sharp poked the roof of my mouth and I thought I had chipped a tooth on a spinach leaf, and then when I pulled out this gigantic piece of glass and said "Cristina, this was in my bowl!" but she just took it and said, " sé." What? A few minutes later she said something like "oh I broke a plate early but that shouldn't be the worries there's no more." I mean like she knew there was that one piece in the first place? I think I'll be taking slow and careful bites for some time...
My deadly meal

                                                       GOOD THING WE HAVE THESE SAVING GRACES:

MC bought us peanut butter and Special K cereal when Cristina wouldn't...what would I do without her?? (Mary Carr that is). Also the space heater has to get thrown in as an absolute necessity...these three things are all I need and I'll be set. 

As a side note: last night we walked to Plaza de España, a place we stumbled upon the first day we were here but we wanted to hang out and get some pictures just before it got dark. 

To get a sense of how grand everything feels here, I'm in this picture. Middle on the balcony. CRAZY.

1 comment:

  1. 1. PRITCHARD!
    2. Glass shards in YO MOUTH?!
    3. Peanut butterrrr whyyyyy didn't I bring anyyyyyyyyyyy and why is it so expensive here and there's no jif and I'm sad
    4. You know that song called teach me how to dougie? There's a new version out called "Teach me how to handstand!" I wrote it. It's dedicated/directed at you. I'll keep you updated on the rest of the lyrics, but I kind of think that's the only line they say in the actual song, so I may just have written an entire song...
