Monday, February 11, 2013

The most walking I've done in one day...ever.

Friday I didn't have class for the first week since I've been here. I woke up around 11 and MC had already left. I thought about going to the gym, but it was a pretty day, so why not go be out in it? I grabbed my Spanish cell phone (needed to go to the Phone House at the mall anyway to put more minutes on it) and my book, and headed out. After finding out I couldn't add more minutes to my phone until March (weird Spanish rules, still don't understand why?) I tried on a few things in some stores, asked if  I could put them on hold since I didn't bring much money with me- and they looked at me like I was an idiot, guess that means they don't do that- and then saw a sign for a frozen yogurt kiosk with a picture of some fruit and yogurt parfait picture on the side. It looked delicious so I got it, even though it was 12:30 and lunch was at 2. Little did I know it would turn out to look nothing like the picture, but instead: 
tart yogurt, granola, kiwi, mango, banana, chocolate chips, honey, more tart yogurt, more honey

I walked with my yogurt to the Buhaira Gardens, sat to people-watch and finish eating, and read in the sun. From there I walked to the center of the city, explored the Santa Cruz neighborhood, got lost in the winding streets, and lost track of time. I booked it home on a Sevici to make it back in time for lunch. I was still stuffed from the ice cream, but if I ever tell Cristina I'm not hungry she thinks something's wrong with me. If I ever say I don't feel 100%, its because "you exercise, that's why you feel sick, you shouldn't do so much"...if she only knew my schedule at home. So I forced down the lunch, but when she presented the baked manzanas y miel, I just couldn't keep going. I tried to share with MC but was quickly scolded- "NO COMPARTES! TU COMES TODA!" aka I had to eat it all myself. Wasn't gonna happen. I ended up just throwing away half the apple and as soon as I could, I headed back out into the beautiful Sevillan sunshine. I walked and walked and walked all afternoon- back to el centro, to the Plaza de America, through Maria Luisa park, close to Los Remedios, and took a different route back to el centro to meet Mary Carr where we did a little shopping. During my walk I just kept thinking- this city has something around every corner. I couldn't help but smile, thinking "this is where I live. I can walk here any time I want."

I love the intricacies of every aspect of architecture, no matter how small and insignificant it might be

one of the many green fields I stumbled into in the middle of the city

gotta love a bright pink wall

my artsy shot of the day...I took about 6 pictures of this couple and their dog. They were crackin me up

Dinner was pizza and it was by far the best C's ever made (oregano, sausage and mushroom). It was the Chinese New Year's eve, so even though we had eaten, we met up with students on our program from China at a pretty authentic Chinese restaurant where they ordered traditional New Year's dishes and talked about their customs that they would be participating in if they were home. From what little I tasted, I thought the food was awesome and it was so cool to be sitting at a trilingual table. The waitress spoke to the two Chinese students in Chinese, she asked us what we wanted in Spanish, and we were all speaking English to each other. 

By the end of the day, my legs were so sore from all the walking I did. I couldn't wait to get in bed and watch Homeland until I fell asleep. Too bad for my poor legs that we were headed to Granada for the rest of the weekend where the walking continued all. day. long.

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