I can't believe tomorrow (or I guess today since its almost 2 am here) marks my 50th day in Sevilla. Too bad I won't be celebrating it here...
Everything I'll need for almost a week...
...and everything I have to wear on the plane to make that possible
It's only been a little over a month since I've seen Stephen but we've got so much to catch up on. And I am so looking forward to a weekend away from Sevilla! Being a tour guide is exhausting as I've learned this past weekend, so I'm excited to just be a tourist and explore and not worry about a thing. And I'm so glad to have MC as a travel partner to wait out the long layovers; I'm sure we'll find plenty of things to fill up our time in the airport, although I probably should attempt to read one of the 4 books my philosopher professor gave me to read today. I went to his office hours almost in tears, explaining that even though I've had years of Spanish and have taken a philosophy course, this History and Concepts of Metaphysics in a foreign language is slowly but surely killing me. He gave me the alternative option to just read the 4 books and do a writing assignment instead of attending class... DONE DEAL. I don't understand the books any more than the lecture, but at least I can attempt to read them outside while I soak up Sevillan sunshine. And not having to drown in boredom and frustration for those 2 two-hour periods each week will make it totally worth it.
Anddd since my shower was negative degrees tonight I'll also be looking forward to staying in a hotel this weekend where (hopefully) I'm guaranteed to not have to dry off still soapy and chilled to the bone for a few nights.
¡Hasta lunes!
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