Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Day 50?!?

I can't believe tomorrow (or I guess today since its almost 2 am here) marks my 50th day in Sevilla. Too bad I won't be celebrating it here...

Everything I'll need for almost a week...

...and everything I have to wear on the plane to make that possible

Tomorrow Mary Carr and I take our first real trip out of Spain (I don't really count Morocco since that was a totally guided tour; we planned nothing). Right now we're cramming our North Face backpacks full of clothes to last us until Monday while we're in London! We have to catch a bus by 8am tomorrow to make our flight from Seville to Santiago de Compostela. From there we fly into London Stansted airport where we'll figure out the busing/tube/train/walking (?) situation to get to Russell Square where Mary Carr's friend is staying for the semester. I have no idea what I'm doing, really, and I absolutely can't wait to figure it out! We'll spend Wednesday night hanging out, having dinner (just got so excited about the prospect of ordering English food from an English menu and not seeing jamon y queso anywhere on it), and exploring a little until I see this guy when he's done with class...

It's only been a little over a month since I've seen Stephen but we've got so much to catch up on. And I am so looking forward to a weekend away from Sevilla! Being a tour guide is exhausting as I've learned this past weekend, so I'm excited to just be a tourist and explore and not worry about a thing. And I'm so glad to have MC as a travel partner to wait out the long layovers; I'm sure we'll find plenty of things to fill up our time in the airport, although I probably should attempt to read one of the 4 books my philosopher professor gave me to read today. I went to his office hours almost in tears, explaining that even though I've had years of Spanish and have taken a philosophy course, this History and Concepts of Metaphysics in a foreign language is slowly but surely killing me. He gave me the alternative option to just read the 4 books and do a writing assignment instead of attending class... DONE DEAL. I don't understand the books any more than the lecture, but at least I can attempt to read them outside while I soak up Sevillan sunshine. And not having to drown in boredom and frustration for those 2 two-hour periods each week will make it totally worth it.

Anddd since my shower was negative degrees tonight I'll also be looking forward to staying in a hotel this weekend where (hopefully) I'm guaranteed to not have to dry off still soapy and chilled to the bone for a few nights.

¡Hasta lunes!

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